How to use Prime-a-Pump

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Please read instructions before use

1. Small bottle. Stir gradually into a container with 15 litres of water. 
   Large bottle. Stir gradually into a container with 30 litres of water. 

2. The primer can be mixed with a pressure hose but take care to ensure that balling-up of the powder does not occur. Any balling will result in a thinner mixture that could affect successful priming.

3. Stir for 1 minute and allow 15 minutes to thicken. Stir again before pouring into the pump. Mixture can be left ready-mixed overnight.

4. Priming through priming port: Pour sufficient primer into the port just before pumping the concrete.


Priming through the pump hopper: Ensure sufficient primer is used to allow the pump to reverse-cycle and forward pump the primer into the system before concrete is discharged into the hopper. The primer followed by the concrete should be eased slowly through the system until the system is fully primed. When pumping downhill a ball placed in front of the primer will help to ensure that all surfaces of the pipeline are fully primed.

Usage Guide. The total amount of primer required will vary, dependent on the total pipeline system to be primed.

A small bottle bottle of Prime-a-Pump (225g) is approximately equal to the use of
1 x 25kg of cement.

A Large bottle bottle of Prime-a-Pump (450g) is approximately equal to the use of
2 x 25kg of cement.


Safety Note

Prime-a-Pump when mixed, is slippery and any spillage areas should be covered with sand or similar materials. Hosed water will also assist in dispersal.

Important Notes

Prime-a-Pump is biodegradable and contains no risks to health when used as directed. 

Prime-a-Pump is not a concrete admixture and therefore not intended to be added directly to the concrete mix. In accordance with established codes of practice all primers together with the leading edge of the concrete should be discharged outside of the pour area.

Disclaimer. The information contained here is accurate to our best belief. As the correct use and handling of this product is beyond our control we are unable to make guarantees or accept liability or responsibility for loss or damage caused as a result of any misuse of this product.

Sale is strictly in accordance with our terms and conditions. For further information please contact your local supplier or contact us directly.

Click here to download the instructions as a PDF.